Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Short Response for Mar/3rd

Gloria Steinem’s article on “Sex, Lies & Advertising” that was published in MS Magazine in July/August issue of 1990 makes several points about advertising in women magazines, a lot of them that still exist today. When opening a women’s magazine today, the likelihood of skipping through 5 pages without coming across one advertisement is almost if not impossible. Steinem argues that it is not just a little of the content found in these magazines devoted to ads, but it is almost all of it. Since these magazines are filled with all the garbage advertising for easy moneymaking reasons, the credibility of the magazine decreases and ultimately women magazines are not taken seriously. Despite the fact that changes have tried to be made, magazines still fall way below the journalistic and ethical standards of news and general interest publications. There are a lot of stereotypes that women are not very familiar with technology. Critics have said that if women do end up buying technology they first ask their husbands or boyfriends what to buy first. Women are very upset with this stereotype and are often offended when salesmen respond “Let me know when your husband can come in.” There are many single women in today’s society that are capable of making decisions on their own and do not need a male figure to help make decisions for them when it comes to technology or mechanics etc.

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