Monday, April 4, 2011

Patrick Campbell-April 5th

Patrick Campbell

This Women’s Studies class has provided me with a different perspective regarding abortion in America. Prior to this class I thought it was just used as a way for young men and women to fix their mistakes or mal-practices through this medical procedure. Following further education I see now that abortion and what it entails goes much farther beyond the procedure itself. Judith Arcana’s piece “Abortion Is a Motherhood Issue,” is one of those articles that truly broadened my perspective of the topic in focus, abortion.

Arcana articulately analyzed all the aspects of motherhood and abortion including her-own experiences and feelings on the matter. What I found truly interesting was her explanation regarding the differences of titles regarding pregnancy. Arcana states that “when the pregnancy is deliberate, or accepted, we say baby. When the pregnancy is an accident, or rejected, we say fetus or embryo, a mass of cella and tissue.” However, when she states that, “choosing to abort a child is like choosing to send it to one school and not another,” I find to be completely wrong in two instances. First, she calls the baby “it” which I found to be utterly disgusting because she is making it seem like the baby is an object and not a potentially living person. Secondly, for me as a reader to believe that aborting a baby is comparable to making a decision on whether or not he/she should go to a particular school, is ridiculous. Arcana brings up many valid points in her argument, however, there are a few objectionable statements that she makes which are detrimental to her cause, as previously noted.

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