Thursday, April 14, 2011

Patrick Campbell (Tuesdays blog-short)

I posted this Monday evening I do not know why it was taken down...

Patrick Campbell

In Susan Brownmiller’s piece “Against Our Will; Men Women and Rape,” she states that “A world without rapists would be a world in which women move freely without fear of men.” That being said, I believe that this quote is a bit far-fetched, especially because of the numerous cases involving men’s cultural practices which impede on women’s lifestyles that do not involve sexual activity. Do not get me wrong I completely agree rape is horrible and criminals should be prosecuted at the highest levels. Personally I would break a man in half if I ever witnessed rape or heard of a man speaking in regards to committing such a disgusting inhumane action.

Rape is disgusting in all manners and is never a justifiable act. However, the way Brownmiller expels some of her arguments are a bit of her own biased opinion on the matter. Suggesting that the majority of men consider rape to be “a woman’s fault” throws me for a loop. When a man is born with a larger build muscularly and skeletally, it is not rational to suggest that rape could be considered as a women’s fault because these simple genetics and physics, enables the sick and twisted rapists to impose their will against women because of physics. For the smaller population of fault displacing men I would suggest punishment at the highest levels without any chance at bail or parole.

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