Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Patrick Campbell April 7th

Patrick Campbell

Jan Oosting Kaminsky’s piece “Choosing Nursing,” discusses her own personal career and how she pursued it. Kaminsky states that her “road to the nursing profession was definitely nontraditional.” She attended “John Hopkins University School of Nursing” to attain her second-degree in nursing. Kaminsky articulately shows the “interconnection of feminism and nursing.” Historical evidence shows that feminist movements aimed to direct women to obtain male dominated positions. This could be the reason why a high gender shift has occurred regarding male to now female dominated population of physicians in hospitals. I found it truly interesting that these female nurses took it upon themselves to not only perform their occupation but to better the community through their activist ways.

Carol Mendez’s piece “Acting on a Grander Scale,” discusses her trials and tribulations regarding her activist ways. Mendez is a woman who was not blessed with a wealthy childhood and was consequently rendered a minute amount of resources to better her life and those around her. However, following her persistence she was able to set up classes to educate women on how to live better lives. All in all, Mendez’s story, which truly portrays someone going above and beyond, should be used as an ideal model for the leader of feminism going forward.


  1. I think Patrick did a good job of explaining his thoughts while giving a brief synopsis of the readings. His post is very well written and enjoyable to read. His point about the gender shift in regards to careers and jobs really interested me. I had never thought that the historical evidence of women trying to obtain male dominated jobs causing a large portion of the gender shift in jobs. Now that I read this, it makes perfect sense, I almost embarrassed I had not thought of this before. This gender shift must have had a huge role in the way modern women and men look at jobs in relation to sexuality. Hopefully with more women speaking out, this stereotype of specific jobs for specifically male or female will decrease over time.

  2. I agree with Caroline. Pat's point about the gender shifts in regards to careers and jobs was pretty interesting. It makes perfect sense that the fact that women have histroical evidence of trying to obtain male dominated positions. A lot of feminist movements do aim towards this goal. As Pat mentions these females went above and beyond because they are being activists while also performing their occupations. Since there has been a gender shift in this occupation, I assume that as women climb the corporate ladder men would also filter into female dominated positions such as nursing.
