Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Short Response for Feb/10th

I have read Peggy McIntosh’s piece on “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” several times in other classes due to the fact that I am a sociology major and every time I read it I feel more disgusted on how the world works, especially when it comes to the difference in privileges between the races. I find it ironic how she states that men refuse to suggest that they are over privileged but also agree that women are under privileged. I like how she uses the connection that whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege just the same as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. I also think that using the metaphor of white privilege as being an invisible weightless knapsack filled with unearned assets is a perfect way to explain the concept. Looking at McIntosh’s daily effects of white privilege I begin to see many luxuries that white people unknowingly receive, and where people of a different race struggle within their daily lives. Some of her points seem really obnoxious to me. Like for instance number 17. “I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color”. I find this very extreme. Personally, I would never suggest that the reason why a person of a different race was speaking with their mouth full was due to their race or any other factor really. The one that always gets me is similar to number 46, where white people can chose blemish cover or bandages in “flesh” color to have them more or less match my skin. Another example that goes along these lines is the crayon box example where the name of the color of the crayon that is peachy is named “flesh”. How do you think a child, especially one of a different race, who is coloring in their coloring book supposed to react to this? They understand what flesh is and know that the color of their skin does not resemble the color of the crayon.

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