Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Short Response for Feb/22nd

Susan Douglas’ chapter on Sex R Us was very interesting to me. I find it interesting how sex is being sold in today’s society and how women fight and hope for sexual equity. This hope for sexual equity has been shaped around images that sell jeans, underwear, magazines, music videos etc. It is amazing how sexuality is portrayed in society and how certain artists and singers have gotten away with a lot of lyrics with their promotion of sex. I laughed at the point where she argues that girls learn at a very young age to “strut their stuff” and how she commented on the TV show Toddlers and Tiaras and how ridiculous these little girls and their parents are, and how involved they are in these beauty pageants. To me, I find that very wrong. Girls at that age should be having fun and learning, not worrying about their spray –on-tans or fake eye lashes. I believe that basically brainwashing this kids at such a young age about being perfect or looking a certain way is not appropriate. I wouldn’t be surprised if these girls ran into issues such as anorexia or bulimia when they were older. After reading Patricia Hill Collin’s piece on “Black Sexual Politics” I would agree with Pat’s post when it comes to Jennifer Lopez . I feel like the media and others highly value and use her bottom in a sexual reference, but I do not think that her claim to fame is her butt. Again as Pat mentioned, if JLO believed that this was important for her success she would not have received a butt reduction. I feel that she wanted to prove a point and stop rumours from flying.

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