Thursday, February 24, 2011

Short Response for Feb/24th

I found it interesting how in the Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence (1980) the author tries to differentiate between the difference of being lesbian and being a feminist. She talks about how in a worsening economy, the single mothers try to support their children which ultimately confronts the feminizations of poverty and how the lesbian faces discrimination in hiring and harassment and violence in the streets. I find it very unacceptable that sexual orientation, let alone gender is a form of social and economic inequality in today’s society. Women get penalized enough in the work force just by simply being a woman and now they are being punished even more because they are attracted to other woman? Just because majority of people in society are heterosexual why does that mean that if you are not heterosexual than you are abnormal? This goes along with the gender and sex issue and how some babies are born intersex and are considered abnormal. Just because someone differs from the norm it should not mean that they are abnormal. It should suggest that they are unique. The argument that heterosexuality is normal because in order to produce offspring you need heterosexual relationships is valid, but it does not change the fact that some people are attracted to those members of the same sex. It then becomes the question, is homosexuality innate or socially learned?

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